Recent Liquidation Cases

Below you will find a selection of our most recent cases. Of course we have changed the names to protect the innocent. We would also like to extend our thanks to all those clients that have given permission so far that others may benefit from their experience

  • Finding an alternative to Liquidation

    Callers often think that Liquidation is the only solution available when they are in debt. The whole point of the initial consultation is we have a duty of care to make sure that Liquidation is the right solution for you. Don is a case in point, Liquidation was certainly not the best option, although he ...

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  • Looking after employees in Liquidation

    Alan had run his taxi firm in the midlands for 6 years. It been scraping a profit, but not enough to seem him through lean periods. The fact Alan needed to Liquidate his company was secondary to his concerns about his employees and his need to change how we operated if we was to move ...

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  • Bitten hard by the credit crunch

    Alex had run his building contractors with his daughter for 10 years. They had established a strong flow of work from local authorities which had grown massively in the past 3 years. In order to ensure they could complete the contracts they had taken off additional debt and staff. Suddenly the contracts were stopped, Alex ...

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  • Defending a Winding up Petition with Liquidation

    Mark had run his aviation company for 4 years. He personally had invested a lot of money into the development of a new product which was finally showing the first green shoots of success. We found out about the Winding Up Petition just as we started getting orders through, having worked on a range of products ...

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  • Clients Causing a cash flow problem

    Chris and his two brothers had an industrial cleaning company in the Midlands for just 3 years. It was their first business, and they were proud of how well they were doing. Unfortunately, their clients got slower at paying, and the lack of cash flow began to strangle the business. Looking back we were probably quite ...

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