0800 612 94 78
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today What our clients say…
Their professionalism and efficiency meant I could Liquidate my company quickly and move on with my life.
James L, Construction Suppliers, StRead more about this case
Finding an alternative to Liquidation
Callers often think that Liquidation is the only solution available when they are in debt. The whole point of the initial consultation is we have a duty of care to make sure that Liquidation isRead more about this case
Looking after employees in Liquidation
Alan had run his taxi firm in the midlands for 6 years. It been scraping a profit, but not enough to seem him through lean periods. The fact Alan needed to Liquidate his company was secondary toRead more about this case
Bitten hard by the credit crunch
Alex had run his building contractors with his daughter for 10 years. They had established a strong flow of work from local authorities which hadRead more about this case
Defending a Winding up Petition with Liquidation
Mark had run his aviation company for 4 years. He personally had invested a lotRead more about this case
Clients Causing a cash flow problem
Chris and his two brothers had an industrial cleaning company in the Midlands for just 3 years. It was their first business, and they were proud ofRead more about this case
I can’t believe I kept struggling for so long. If I’d known about Zennet Solutions earlier I would have had a lot less stress. Mark W, ManagementRead more about this case
I didn’t realise it was so easy. With their support I managed to get my new business up and running in no time. Chris T, Office Furniture Supplier,Read more about this case
Their professionalism and efficiency meant I could Liquidate my company quickly and move on with my life. James L, Construction Suppliers, StRead more about this case
They gave me my first full night’s sleep in months. The stress just seemed to fall away as soon as I spoke to them. David H, IT Company,Read more about this case
Their patience and support meant I could really kick the new business off on the right foot. Julian L, Car Mechanics,Read more about this case